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          Hello and thank you for taking a moment of your time to look at my portfolio. Let me introduce myself and tell you a little bit about myself and what I do. My name is My Le, and I specialize in landscape photography, but I feel that a good photographer should be good at any type of photography such as portraits, automotive, fashion, etc. I like to learn and explore the different types of photography because it helps me understand my skills as well as understand the type of work and effort that specialized photographers go through. I began to have an interest in taking landscape photos when I realized that landscapes are always changing even though it is the same location. Landscapes are affected by small factors such as time of day, weather, and season. Depending on what time you photograph the landscape affects the outcome of the overall scenery. To me landscape photography challeneges me to keep on going back and visit the same place numerous times to get view of the same landscape. It allows me to go back and see what I missed previously as well as getting the opportunity to enjoy what nature provides.  


         Besides taking pictures of landscapes I also do portraits, automotive, and all sorts of photography. I challenge myself to learn all of the different types of photograhy out there and although I may not be so good with all of them, I still feel really happy to learn the different types of skills and techniques from the various types of photography. A good photographer shouldn't be good in one area, but should be able to take good pictures in any conditions. 

         I'm always happy to teach others the different aspects of photography. I usually try to put in the simplest form as possible so that it makes the learning experience easier and much more fun. Well this little section is too small for what I want to say, I'll just leave it short and want to say thank you once again for checking out my portfolio. I would love to hear and learn more about your experiences with photography. Shoot me an email and lets learn and share with each other. 

About me

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